A tribute to the iconic jeep
Immerse yourself in a timeless tribute to the iconic legacy of the Jeep®, with more than 50 jeeps spanning from 1941 to present.
Discover a diverse collection of military and civilian models and witness their remarkable evolution through the decades.
Our family-owned museum features artifacts, trailers, and vintage to new jeeps - all run and drive! So follow us on Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook to see the jeeps and their adventures on the trails! We also have a gift shop with museum souvenirs and Jeep-brand items. And soon, an on-site test track where you can experience riding in our jeeps! (Expected Summer 2025)
Follow our Adventures
Here are the Summer Top 5 favorite Jeeps of our museum visitors!
Come vote for your favorite jeep when you visit the museum.

*As of June 1 - August 31, 2024